Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Prohibiting the Use of Cell Phones while Driving

The count down timer is set for those teenagers who are fond of using their cell phones. Just recently, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a law banning the teens of making use of their cell phones while driving their cars. This law covers all drivers under the age of eighteen or those who are carrying provisional driver’s license.
According to this cellphone ban law, all of those who will be caught for violation will be fined $20 for their first offense and higher penalties for the succeeding violations. However, the California Highway Patrol operatives affirmed that they would try to direct their efforts in educating the teenagers rather than to apprehend them.
Similar law has also been implemented lately for adult drivers. However, they are still allowed to use their cell phones if they utilize hands-free devices in making a call. The lawmakers explained that adult drivers should be given such consideration before the law because they are deemed more responsible and cautious compared to teenagers.
Now, I do believe that these laws, upon its implementation, will lessen the accounts of car accidents on our roads and highways. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety also affirmed those motorists who are using hand held phones have 400% greater possibility of being involved in an injury causing accident.
It is a fact that handling the driver’s wheel and dialing a cell phone makes driving more difficult and risky. This performance may affect the driver’s concentration and may result in a tragedy.
Meanwhile along with these legislative efforts made by the government in order to lessen the risks of accidents, we have the obligation to be extra careful in driving. We must always consider the people who might be affected due to our failure to abide the traffic rules.
As for the already victims of these unfortunate incidents, it is always your privilege to defend your right and file charges against the liable parties. Seek the aid of car accident lawyers whom you trust and assure recoveries.