Friday, September 14, 2012

NFL Donates $30 Million for Brain Injury Research

Surprisingly, among all institutions, the National Football League (NFL) awarded a huge amount of donation to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to fund brain injury research.

In its years of history, this was said to be the first time that the football league donated such a huge amount of money. The donation that amounted to $30 million is typically distributed in a grant system.

According to a statement released by the NIH, it is way too early to determine how the money will be distributed or whether it will benefit any of the numerous brain research centers in San Diego.

Incidentally, the UCSD Department of Radiology has previously received donation from NFL charities to fund brain injury researches on high school and college athletes. Consequently, if the department will receive another grant this time, it will help the team in pursuing its ongoing research.

Meanwhile, the Professor of Radiology in Residence, Dr. Ronald R. Lee, claimed in a statement that although football is a great game, professional experts like him need to protect players. Lee further said that that it is very important to learn more about brain injuries and to make accurate diagnosis such as when it is already safe for players to go back into the game.

Furthermore, the donation was also meant to benefit homecoming soldiers with head injuries. In fact, approximately 20 percent of the veterans coming back to San Diego, California from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars would benefit from the grant.

Researchers in San Diego admitted that there is a lot more research that needs to be accomplished on brain injuries. Therefore, the NFL’s generous donation will definitely make a big difference to this cause.

Also, Lee added in his statement that he and his co-researchers are quite aware that aside from brain injuries, football players could have many other injuries. However, Lee claimed that the brain is the most important organ of the body, which is why it is the most important concern of the researchers.

At present, about 3,400 former and current NFL players have already sued the league over brain injury claims or concussions.

Probably, the NFL’s overwhelming complaints over brain injury have majorly contributed to the league’s drive to donate such a huge amount of grant to brain injury research despite the rumors that it is currently struggling following the nation’s economic downfall. However, several personal injury lawyers are glad upon knowing that the league has finally made its great move to prevent further brain injuries among its players.